Are people different?
There's so much snow, its beautiful!
On the news people were warned not to go on the ice.
But people did anyway.
My uncle prepaired one of the fields, so children and others could skate safe.
Yet, people complained about the snow on the ice.
I don't understand they get stuck in complaining instead of going home and getting a broom to swipe the ice snowfree.
I remember some years ago.
We were about 15 young people and we all went home, got brooms and then cleaned the ice.
It was the least we could do as a gesture of appreciation that my uncle gave his field for ice.
People don't understand what parked cars and the icelayer itself do to the fields.
No crops in the spring. So that costs a lot of money for a few days of fun. Free fun. People even go to the loo at the farm and leave their litter everywhere.
Maybe the people of this year are different?
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