the new url of my site "Greetje Greets You" is:
This site will continue as "Greetje".
Please update your links and droplists.
Thank you

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Neelie Kroes at European ICT post

Neelie Kroes os for many people an example that women can reach the highest jobs available.

Neelie Kroes is a highly valued commissioner for competition in the European Union.
She knows how to deal with companies like Microsoft, Intel and Oracle, and how to make them stick to the rules of fair competition.

With the new round of the political dance of the chairs she's got ICT.

To be honest, I'm thrilled about that!

I hope she's going to deal with international copyright issues, with spam and new legislation for internet.

Monday, November 23, 2009

pancakes fresh and warm

Some old fashioned habits are very usefull.

When I was young my mom made pancakes and one after another was put on a plate until she had a tower with plat pancaked.
Those at the bottom were strangely compressed and flat, and they didn't taste well anymore.

Yesterday one of the women I baked pancakes with too a huge soup pan and taught me how to keep the pancakes warm and looking fresh.

When a pancake was ready she made a roll of it and put it standing up in the pan.
Loads of them could stay in there and there was only place for one other role on top.
Because the bottom layer consisted of pancakes leaning against each other, leaving no room to topple over, the second layer didn't push them together.

Very clever!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Alarm :: fire

  2. Guest :: Host

  3. Worm :: virus

  4. Puppies :: little ones

  5. Honor :: esteem

  6. No! :: It's precisely what's said: no!

  7. Stomach :: Ulcer

  8. Counter :: statistics

  9. Waffles :: belgian waffles with soft sugar

  10. Plates :: platters

When you click the logo,
you'll go to the site.

Monday, November 2, 2009

october topdroppers

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