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Saturday, November 22, 2008

old age

Each saturday I help an elderly woman.
The last time she doesn't need only groceries and a bit of help in the house anymore.

In the past she did all her chores, but the heavy ones, like the floors.
But the last months she's getting worse and she can hardly keep up with washing the dishes.

I went to her more and more, untill I was there every evening to cook her evening dinner and clean up.

For me it was nice to eat with someone and she wasn't as alone, but this can't go on.

At first she was against informing the family, butt today she finally gave in and agreed with me it was time to look around for a nice old people's home or for someone in the house every day.

She first asked me to come and live with her, but I can't do that.
I feel that I have to protect myself from becoming even more involved, and I also think she can do with a real nurse at times.

In a way it's so sad to see someone deteriorate that fast.
But it's good she is able to accept the changes.

Next week we'll visit an old peoples home not to far away from where she has been living a long time.
She knows the neighborhood, and even some people there.

I think that she needs to make up her mind before the family does it for her.
They're almost never there, not even last year for christmas.

I hope all will work out well.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

a clever student can't be conned

Making money is for some people more important than anything else.
They don't mind conning people.

Like a russian guy who presented himself as a violinist and violin teacher in Rome.

He bought second hands violins and sold them as very valuable 18th century pieces.

He must have laughed a lot.

But he couldn't fool a clever student completely.
He bought one for 650.000 euro (a student....tell me how can he afford that?).

He took the violin to be valued to an expert.
The value of the violin was 3000 euro.

The student told the guy he wanted a second violin and took the police with him.

They interrogated the russian con-artist.

When he came home he hung himself from the balcony.

My mind is still bugged...
Where did the student got the 650.000 euro from?

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