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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Delft bookcollection saved

Sometimes the news is interesting.
Remember the enormous fire at the Delft University?

People thought everything was lost, but today I've read that the whole collection of historical books and graphics has been saved from the ruins, unharmed.

I'm so glad for all those people who have worked long hours to get it all together.
People from all ages and a couple of centuries.

I know we have fireproof closets and wardrobes in our building. But they only protect what's in it when the doors are closed and locked.

Most of the time they're open, because we need to be able to take things out and put things in.

Well, I'm glad that some people can feel at ease now.

caught one cheating

My short time job is over.

The collegues were very nice, and the breaks were OK. But the job itself was the most boring of all.

We caught one boy cheating at the end of an exam and handed him over to the examination board. They have to decide.

I was so glad when I was finished.

Some people asked me to be present at the graduation party.
I haven't decided yet.

The whole experience is ofcourse sweetened up by the extra money I've earned.

Now I have to start studying for my own exams.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This was the last time

This was the l;ast time I did this job.

I never thought that doing nothing would be so boring.

Just a few days more and I'm ready with my "job" of surveilling during the final exams.

The first day I thought it was fun, but when I was approached like the enemy after schooltime I had a change of mind.

Ever walked the whole morning between long rows of tables/chairs/students, on the lookout for cheeters?

Ugh!!! Never ever again!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

extra money

It's good to be able to earn a bit of extra money.

I was asked to help out at the final exams of a school nearby.
They needed people to assist the teachers watching out for fraud during the final exams.

A perfect chance to earn a little bit of money.
It doesn't pay well, but it isn't very tiring and they have good coffee.

To my surprise we even got soup and bread during the lunchbreak, with great cheese and ham.
The table was decorated with a large bowl of fruit.
Because there was far too much the older teachers told me to eat better and take another piece of fruit to the examinationhall.

I took an extra banana.
Couldn't put the kids through the rough experience of someone eating an apple. LOL!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Stunning news about the fire disaster at the Delft University.

It turned out that by some miracle the level where maquettes and some historical relevant and unique chairs were stored hasn't been affected by the fire.

I saw on the news that they carried outside some items.

Even though a lot is lost, some people can have a little feeling of happiness.

Right now people try to resume their work and sudies as fast as possible.

In case you're one of the people connected with the university:
Here you can find more info.

Grand Theft Auto 4 is ready for you

I was wondering about the wereabouts of friends, so I jumped on my bycicle, and paid them a visit.

They were not to happy to see me, because they were heavily involved in playing....
Grand Theft Auto 4.

I knew they were expecting this game, but I didn't know it had arrived.

They asked me to have a guess when they started to play it.
At Queensday?

One of them even spend the night in front of the shop to be the first to get one of the games.

Grand Theft Auto IV is developed for Xbox 360® and PLAYSTATION®3.
Most people here call it either GTA IV or GTA 4.
It's a game that shouldn't be played by people who transfer gaming aggression into real life aggression.

Even though this Rockstar Game is the eleventh in a row of Grand Theft games, it's different.
One can see that the technical advancements are put to full use in this game.
A new engine is used: RAGE, meaning: Rockstar Advanced Gaming Engine.

I saw the whole group playing it together, which was fun.
They enjoyed themselves a lot. But even better: I enjoyed myself looking at them and the game.

It seems to be a lot more realistic. The graphics are more detailed, refined.
I'm sure that is the reason why they are glued to the screen.

Will I be loosing my friends and studymates?
I doubt it.

They told me that the game can be played with multiple players but also by one player.
So they adviced me to practice well and come back when I'm ready.

I've spend some time playing and I feel like I've entered a complete different world.

I love it!!

I hope you too.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Huge fire at Delft University

News: a huge fire at the University of Delft.

Friends are studying there and they have lost everything they didn't have at home.
There a computer back-up, but the practical work, like maquettes, is gone.

Around lunchtime the fire appeared to be under control, but not a long time later it raged through the building.
Part of the building is collapsed, the rest is completely burned empty.

This is from Dutch TV.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

a happymothersday

We're not living at our parent's house anymore.

Yesterday evening we had dinner with my family.
We decided to celebrate mothersday that way, because some of us are sport fanatics and play in competitions. On motherday too.

The food was excellent, my mom felt happy, and the rest of the family was OK.It was nice to catch up.

Today I intended to study and so I did.
Next week I have two exams.
I took my books and went to the part nearby. The wind was really needed to make the temperature bearable.

Just when I was almost ready with the last chapter a friend arrived.

She went to italy for two weeks and was very brown and relaxed.

It was interesting to hear her tell about the friendly people, spaghetti and pizza and the way boys treat girls.

She bought a lovely bag and promised to buy me one when she goes back.

Don't worry, she will.
She met a nice guy.....

Friday, May 9, 2008

it's the last schoolday for some.

It's already so warm, I couldn't stay in bed, even though I crave for some extra hours.
I just went to get some groceries.

It was very bussy and I had to stand in a long line to pay for my stuff.
I should have gone to the shop where you can get the contentc of your car for free when more than three people are waiting in front of you.
But it takes so much effort to get there... So it's either this or that.

Turned out it's the last schoolday for those doing their final exams soon.
There was a bunch of kids, buying colourshampoo, because they wanted to wash the hair of all the teachers at school.

Maybe the fun of buying the stuff is even better than the actual event itself.

When I walked home, young people passed me and I could feel the excitement.
"Last schoolday!"

It's such a fun day. Even though an important part of the exam, the national bit, still has to follow.

I remember feeling excited and a bit melancholic at the same time.
I liked school.
But in a way I

Monday, May 5, 2008

Liberation Day in The Netherlands

Liberation Day is a special day here in The Netherlands.

We've spend part of the afternoon at a concert.
It was great.

I was the only one bringing special sunlotion.
After burning last week, I had no choice. I don't want to be as red as a ripe tomato again. LOL!

We're celebrating Liberation Day today.

That's why the concerts today were free.
I have to say, we poor students were represented well.

I'm at home for a short while, to change clothes and take a shower.
We're going for a cheap dinner this evening and spend the rest of the evening at the river or at another place where it's beautiful.

The weather is summery.
It ads to the special feel of today.

Liberationday is always a special day here, because people have suffered badly during the occupation of the Germans in WW2.

Laane wrote about it. I can't do it better.

I too grew up in a family where the war was in the centre of many family gatherings.
We alsways took remembrance day very serious, which made freedom day even better.
Friends of my parents used to have visitors from Canada.
Last year the soldier died. But they still went to the graves of his friends.

I'm off now.
My hair is almost dry.

Isn't it great to spend an evening outside again, without freezing?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

unconscious mutterings # 275

  1. State :: country

  2. Lively :: vivid

  3. Valet :: butler

  4. Traction :: broken leg

  5. Official :: lawful

  6. Red hot :: chili peppers

  7. Powder :: dust

  8. Replies :: answers

  9. Flagrant :: flaring

  10. Tweet :: tweety

Saturday, May 3, 2008

so tired

Each saturday I help out an old lady.
Nothing special, new sheets on the bed, putting her laundry in the machine, getting her groceries, drinking coffee and listening to her, and hang the laundry on the line.

I've been doing this for about 6 years now and over and over again it's nice to see her.

Because I have visitors tomorrow I helped her out today.
No problem there.
I even bought her some plants and the whole room and outside area looked nice and fresh again.

Then I came home, realised it was rather late already and I had to do my own groceries, had to prepare a meal for 7 and create some places to sleep.

After dinner I almost dropped dead at the couch.

Someone else made coffee and it really hit me in the face.
I was able to stay awake for 4 more hours and now I'm just checking my mail and telling my readers I haven't forgotten them. LOL!

Within 5 minutes I'm sleeping.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Each year The Netherlands turns orange and celebrates Queensday.
It's the birthday of the former queen, but because our present queens has her birthday in january and it's too cold to have fun outside, we're celebrating it now.

Queensday was a complete success!

Oh, it was great!

I was supposed to go to my parents, but they were invited to go somewhere with an aunt, so I was saved, and able to do what I like: hanging out with my friends.

One of them created a huge breakfast at his appartment.

Well, it was brunch.

Then we went to the freemarket in town.

One of us wanted to sell stuff, so we took turns and even threw a few of our old T-shirts and denims in.

I managed to buy some nice decorations for my room, a lamp for a friend and a couple of books.

After bringing our stuff home we went for dinner and joined a concert.
The music was not very good, but we had a good time.
Especially when we went to an afterparty.

At home I threw my orange clothes in the laundry.

Time to wish my Queen a good night.

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